Early Years

Trauma Informative Practice

What is this training about?

This training session provides an opportunity for early childhood educators and other professionals working with children 0-5 years to think about how they can support children who are affected by trauma. The session provides frameworks of practice that will increase knowledge, skills and confidence to support early childhood educators and other professionals to implement trauma-informed practice in a variety of settings.

What will you learn?

By attending this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Develop the ability and knowledge to create environments and routines that are trauma-sensitive
  • Enhance the ability to identify and use responses for supporting emotional regulation in traumatised children
  • Develop a framework for making meaning of, and strategies for, responding to trauma-based behaviours in young children
  • Further explore the ability to create environments and routines that are trauma sensitive
  • Enhance capacity to work with families experiencing trauma

What difference will this make to your practice?

Participants will have explored a series of frameworks that support professionals in trauma-informed practice.

These frameworks can be adapted to meet the needs of case management meetings, team and group planning as well as individual planning.

This workshop offers reflective opportunities on present and future trauma-informed practice.