
Trauma Transformative Practice with Children

Exploring recently developed key concepts and practice implications in trauma transformative work with children and young people.

What is this training about?

Complex Developmental trauma has a significant impact on the developing brain, children’s behaviour and how they experience relationships. It can result in children experiencing developmental delays and significant difficulties regulating their emotions, adapting their behaviour and being attuned to social exchanges.

This can lead to a fundamental challenge for children to experience safety and engage in relational exchanges that support them. The widespread impact of these experiences of trauma has profound implications for how carers, practitioners, programs, and systems support children. These children need adults and systems that are responsive to the impact of the trauma experiences on their development and functioning. With understanding, adults and systems can be more effective in the support they provide children to heal.

This workshop introduces the Trauma Transformative paradigm as a way to inform our practice with children. It will outline the knowledge and dimensions described in The Handbook of Trauma Transformative Practice (Tucci, Mitchell, Porges, Tronik 2024).

The workshop will adapt this knowledge to develop approaches and contextualise strategies for working with children. This workshop is aimed at people working with and caring for children and young people who have experienced trauma, including Child Protection practitioners, Mental health and allied health professionals, Educators and early-learning staff, Family Support Services, and out-of-home care staff.

Learning outcomes

By attending this workshop you will:

  • Review your understanding of neurobiology and the impacts of trauma from relational abuse and violence on development and functioning.
  • Consider the development of a trauma-transformative approach to providing relational therapeutic support to children.
  • Be provided with key practice areas of a trauma transformative approach to work with children who have experienced trauma – Neurobiology, Relational Safety and Meaning Making.
  • Be supported to translate theory to practice by developing approaches and contextualising practice strategies for children, adults, and systems that support them.

What difference will it make to your work?

Adults who care for and work with children who have experienced relational trauma can often feel uncertain about how to best respond to the emotional and behavioural manifestations of trauma, and how to best help children heal.

This workshop will resource you with foundational knowledge about the neurobiology of trauma and will also enhance your understanding of trauma transformative practice with updated conceptual frameworks and application practices.

Having completed the workshop, you will feel more confident in an integrated approach to practice within interventions, programs and systems.