
Educational Consultancy & Staff Support

Across the country the Foundation has provided secondary consultation and support to educators and school support staff to ensure a greater understanding and a better experience of school for children, young people, parents, carers and staff.

Understanding the meaning behind trauma behaviours ensures that children, young people and their carers, parents and teachers are better equipped to respond in a way that promotes safety, responsiveness and attuned connection. This process supports children no longer being hijacked by their own behaviours and that classrooms are no longer struggling under the weight of these trauma manifestations.

As educators we are consistently affected by the successes and processes of our students so too are we challenged by their stories and experiences of trauma. It is important as professionals we understand the impacts working with these children have on our own process, development and on the school environment. Through sessions developed to ensure understanding of this process we can support school staff to develop wellbeing policies and processes to ensure healthy environments for staff and students.

The ACF can provide secondary consultation to schools to support this learning and understanding through online training, whole staff and community training alongside secondary consultation processes where required to build on the learning from training.

We can discuss your needs with your leadership teams to ensure we can provide the support required for your particular education environment.

If you are interested contact:
training@childhood.org.au to speak to a training consultant about your thoughts, ideas and needs.