Early Years

Healing Connections: Trauma-sensitive partnership with parents

What is this training about?

This workshop supports early childhood educators and other professionals working with children 0-5 years in their communication and engagement with parents who have experienced trauma. The session aims to support respectful, non-judgmental communication with traumatised parents, and enables professionals to provide parents with trauma-informed knowledge in their relationship with their traumatised children.

What will you learn?

This workshop aims to support participants to:

  • Understand the principles of mindfulness and reflective engagement with child development
  • Distinguish the messages behind verbal and non-verbal adult-child communication
  • Explore with parents activities and conversations that explore child brain development
  • Reflect on their understanding of the child’s behaviour and the meaning-making process associated with it
  • Discover how to overcome some of the obstacles getting in the way of a reciprocal relationship with parents
  • Supportively communicate concerns and expectations about the child’s developmental issues with their parents

What difference will this make to your practice?

Communication is so important in a relationship with parents, yet it is so easy to get it wrong, to offend, to misunderstand and to create barriers to shared understanding.

Listening with an open heart is the key to clarifying all aspects of communication.

It is hoped that on completion of this workshop participants will feel more comfortable using trauma-informed language in their partnership with parents and be able to keep the dialogue open and transparent.