
Running online Bringing Up Great Kids Groups for Parents

Thank you for your interest in understanding more about running your BUGK parent group online. We have started to provide some information you might need to know to deliver your group online in our BUGK Foundation training. What we are sharing below is what we have learnt to enhance your own BUGK parent group online experience.

Both face-to-face and online BUGK parent groups meet different parent/carers groups. By utilising the benefits of online platforms we know that the online space is equal to the face to face space for many parents/carers and facilitators. We provide practical ideas and resources that will support you to make the best use of the online environment with parents.

Some benefits and limitations of online BUGK parent groups

Online benefits:

  • Greater chance for isolated parents to attend, like regional and rural parents, or expectant parents on bed rest or in hospital.
  • Facilitators have the opportunity to connect with parents as a group that they would normally only see one-on-one
  • Flexible timing of group facilitation, even parents in different time zones can attend the same group
  • Opportunities to connect outside the group through social media


Online limitations:

  • Experiential activities can be harder to do however sophisticated platforms can make that possible.
  • Physical connection to each other and to facilitators does not occur but connection can be made with the group through considered use of the
  • technology, i.e. breakout rooms.
  • Facilitators missing some cues from parents body language and facial expressions
  • Parents may be distracted by other things going on around them, especially if they are at home with children.

What difference will this make to your practice?

We acknowledge that parent groups look and feel different for each of you and the work that you do. We know that some parents will not or cannot attend a face-to-face parent groups, so the online group is an option for those parents. If your parents struggle with transport or time issues or are geographically a long way from where you are based or you need to bring together parents from far flung places around the state or the country, online is the only option.

These adapted materials increase opportunities for facilitators to be able to use the BUGK resources with parents in the online space, providing increased flexibility and accessibility in parental participation.

What we provide for you through a secure link:

  • Resources to support the facilitation of an online BUGK parent group
  • Frequently Asked Questions responses
  • Information from facilitators who have facilitated BUGK online parent groups


If you have completed the Foundation BUGK training, you will find the secure link in the BUGK newsletter, or you can contact us at parenting@childhood.org.au and we will provide you with the link.