Early Years

Trauma Informative Mentoring

What is this training about?

This workshop will explore leadership and mentoring through a trauma-informed lens. The session takes participants through the story of leadership and the different role mentoring has in the early childhood space. This session supports the sustainability of trauma-informed practice in the service by providing support for leaders and mentors.

It will also provide an opportunity to reflect on both the mentor and mentee roles when working with families and children where there is/has been relational trauma.

This session will explore:

  • Leadership and mentoring through a trauma-informed lens
  • Different roles of leadership and mentoring
  • The mentor and the mentee relationships
  • Supporting staff through mentoring

What will you learn?

By attending this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of leadership through a trauma-informed lens in the early learning space.
  • Explore the role of mentoring staff to implement and sustain trauma-informed practice in the early childhood space.
  • Reflect on good leadership, qualities and skills.
  • Reflect on being mentored or being a mentor, the qualities and skills.

What difference will this make to your practice?

Supportive and respectful leadership is so important in any workplace. This workshop supports each participant to recognize their own leadership qualities and how to use these leadership qualities in their day-to-day work. Everyone is a leader.

For those participants in a mentoring role or in the mentee role, this workshop offers reflective opportunities on what respectful, nurturing and supportive mentoring looks like, and the benefits to both the mentor and mentee.