Bringing up Great Kids

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families

What is this training about?

This workshop provides participants with skills and knowledge to facilitate a BUGK parenting group tailored for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. It is culturally safe and promotes strengths based approaches to understanding parenting consistent with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander worldviews and knolwedges.

The training includes access to the Bringing Up Great Kids: For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families manual, relevant worksheets, tools, activities and resources within the registration cost of the workshop.

This training is suitable for all professionals who have completed the Foundational Bringing Up Great Kids – Facilitator Training and who are wanting to provide a parenting program that culturally and sensitively supports parents/carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Please note that the prerequisite for this training is successful completion of Foundational Bringing Up Great Kids – Facilitator Training

What will you learn?

By attending this workshop you will be able to:

  • Sensitively, culturally and confidently facilitate a BUGK parent program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
  • Appreciate the importance and significance of culture in raising children
  • Understand the different content and approaches to this adaptation of BUGK
  • Know how to use the manual, resources and materials from this program and adapt  your facilitator style and parent group
  • Integrate a more comprehensive understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of being and learning.

The workshop is co-facilitated with an Aboriginal group facilitator, brining their wisdom and knowledge to bear on the training.

What difference will this make to your practice?

BUGK for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families is a collaboratively designed adaption of the foundational BUGK program. It uses stories and metaphors that have been purposefully developed to make sense and be respectful of the cultural and safety needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and carers.

It provides a sensitive and respectful orientation to strengthening approaches to parenting for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and carers. The tools and resources have been used and evaluated positively.
