Safe and Secure
Recent changes to legislation relating to family violence have highlighted the growing understanding of the impact of family violence on children and an increasing awareness of the need to prioritise the safety of children over contact with either or both parents.
With this in mind, the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Family Violence Partnership in Victoria identified, commissioned and funded the development of a guide designed to support workers in understanding and responding to children and young people affected by family violence. Released earlier this year, the guide includes information on how family violence impacts children and young people. Using the latest research in neurobiology, it specifically identifies impacts on the brain, the body, emotions, behaviour and relationships, as well as a section on trauma and loss.
The trauma informed practice framework found in the last section of the manual is great. The framework offers a way of conceptualizing the change process for children and young people. It describes actions and strategies that need to be considered at all points of intervention. It also defines the basic goals that need to be met for children and young people to heal and recover from the traumatic impact of family violence on their development, relationships and identity.
If you would like to download this free resource, click here.