A story that started with a man called Dan Hughes
This blog post is written by Pauline Lodge,
Manager of Professional Education Services.
Around 25 years ago, I undertook a workshop with a man called Dan Hughes, who took me and the others in the room on a journey to understand the wonderful way he engaged with children and young people and their caregivers.
This two day training gave me insights into useful ways of working with children who had experienced trauma and their parents or foster carers which continues to inform my practice to this day.
Over the years, Dan Hughes has continued to develop his work and his understanding of neurobiology and how his “PACE”ful way of being in therapeutic relationships supports healing from trauma.
He is a master therapist. He has collaborated with Jon Baylin and Kim Golding – and every time he has come up with new ideas and strategies for helping traumatised children and their carers acknowledge the pain of the past and support their connection in the present.
I have never really forgotten Dan and those two days…it has made me a much better therapist and much better communicator with traumatised children and their families.
Over the past 5 years at least, we have organised for Dan’s program to be taught in Australia. Many hundreds of professionals have now gone through the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Course.
We have Level 1 training starting in the next 2 weeks in Melbourne and Adelaide. And the courses are filling fast! Click here if you’d like to read more about the course.
I thought I would give you the three key messages you will take from this training in the hope you might be motivated to take up the remaining spots.
Message 1.
The training explores the theoretical basis for DDP, including neurobiology of trauma and attachment, including the concepts of blocked trust and blocked care. The training provides you with a clear framework which can inform all aspects of working therapeutically with children who have experienced trauma and their parents or caregivers.
Message 2.
During the training days, not only will you learn the theory and principles of the model you will be taught how to apply the theory to your practice. The training emphasises the need for safety and connection and explores how you can apply the theory to your practice. You will have the opportunity to watch and analyse videos of experienced DDP clinicians in action, and/or the opportunity to observe or participate in a live session with the trainer.
Message 3.
The training teaches you how to work with parents and children using the principles of PACE, Playful, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy. You are taught practical strategies for each aspect of PACE and have the opportunity to practice your use of PACE during role plays and receive direct feedback form the trainer.
The training is being offered by a specially certified trainer in DDP from overseas. You can read more about her and the course by clicking below to download the brochure.
You will be inspired. You will understand how the stories of one person with the intent to change the lives of traumatised children and their carers can make a difference to all of us….