February 10, 2016

Changes and Developments in Safeguarding Children

The past two years have seen many developments in the Safeguarding Program. The Program has expanded and now works with more than 50 organisations ranging from schools, church based groups, sporting groups; and also continues its work with all YMCA associations in Australia. There are currently 5 Program staff including a National Manager.

During the past year 13 organisations have received SCP Accreditation or Re-accreditation with 2 more to be presented to the SCP Panel for endorsement.

New Learning Management System

Improvements have been made to the Safeguarding Online training, which is the introductory awareness raising program that participating organisational personnel undertake. The modules are now more intuitive and have improved interactive functionality, better reporting capacity and connectivity to other databases. The new platform was launched on the 1st July 2015 with all participants now commencing on this new training program.

On-line Safeguarding Children Manager

The on-line Safeguarding Children Manager is now also up and running. This system has been specifically designed to provide access to enhanced accreditation supports including an on-line audit management system and self-assessment tools. Some organisations have started using the Manager and from May 2015 all agencies commencing accreditation work with the SCP; including policy review and audit processes; will have access to this new system.

New and Additional Resources

There has been significant work in the development of additional learning resources for organisations. These include short video presentations and tailored face-to-face workshops. These are available on request and can be delivered in a range of locations across Australia.

Use of the Safeguarding Children Accreditation Symbol

The Safeguarding Children accreditation symbol is now registered with the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission. Organisations that have been accredited by the Australian Childhood Foundation can use the Safeguarding Children Accreditation Symbol to showcase their achievement. However as it is a registered symbol there are rules about its use. A Guide for the use of the Safeguarding Children accreditation symbol is provided to each Organisation upon achieving accreditation. In brief, organisations accredited under the Safeguarding Children Program may use the Accreditation Symbol on all stationery, documents and/or publicity material which is used within the scope of its Accreditation. Accredited Organisations must ensure that they use the Accreditation Symbol appropriately.

Safeguarding Accredited Agencies

The Safeguarding Children Program continues to grow, a list of agencies currently engaged in our accreditation scheme include:

Anglicare NT