Prosody Blog
Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.
Beyond Common Sense
This blog entry was authored by Cynan Kim-Blackmore, Senior Advisor, Safeguarding Children Service at the Australian Childhood Foundation. Imagine you are a childcare worker at your local centre. One of the children is a child named Ben. Ben has been coming to the childcare centre for many years and you have grown to know Ben’s …
Read MorePutting Love at the Heart of Our story
This article was authored by Joe Tucci, CEO at the Australian Childhood Foundation. We have changed our logo today because we wanted to acknowledge the importance of love for all of us, and in particular children. This is why… Children trace love in moments of connection. A newborn feels his mum’s heartbeat as he is …
Read MorePermission to Nurture
This article was authored by guest blogger Michael Lincoln, Behaviour Education Consultant Catholic Education South Australia. In the main, teachers are an optimistic bunch. Most of us become teachers because we believe that what we do makes a difference in the lives of children and young people. We know intuitively or through experience that education …
Read MoreCare for children – Compassion for self
This blog entry was authored by Noel MacNamara, National Manger Policy and Research My wife and I care for two children: 6 and 10 years old. They were exposed to multiple traumatic events prior to coming into our care. These events were compounded by attempts to reunify them with their parents. What follows will be …
Read MoreThe Sooner the Better
This blog article was authored by Jeanette Miller, Senior Training Consultant in the Parenting and Early Years Program at the Australian Childhood Foundation. We all know about the benefits to children, of early intervention and prevention. In the early years of a child’s life, while his brain is growing faster than it will ever grow …
Read MorePreventable Violence – Is engaging fathers the solution to creating a safer society? Part 3
This blog entry is authored by therapist and author, Timothy O’Leary, delving into the psyche of men who use violence, to reveal how engaging fathers can help to create a safer society. Tim is the author of Dads Who Can: Love, Nurture, Play. In parts one and two we have explored the idea of …
Read More#childtrauma2016 CEO reflections – Day 5 & Beyond
This article was authored by Joe Tucci, CEO at the Australian Childhood Foundation. On the very day the 2016 International Childhood Trauma Conference came to an end, I heard a news story highlighting the release of a report by the Australian Child Rights Taskforce to mark the 25th anniversary of the Australian Government’s decision to …
Read More#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 3 – Lisa Ranahan
This article was authored by Lisa Ranahan, Program Manager, Therapeutic Care at the Australian Childhood Foundation. So, we have come to the middle day of five days of thought provoking, stimulating, sometimes overwhelming learning and sharing. Today is a day where I feel I need to reflect on the range of key messages that stood …
Read More#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 4 – Marina Dickson
This article was authored by Marina Dickson, Program Manager, Vocational Training and Education at the Australian Childhood Foundation. In my reflections on the day’s learning, I am holding onto a quote that was presented in Ed Tronick’s session. He wrote that, ‘chronic small events accumulate to big effects for good or ill.’ This set off …
Read More#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 2 – Noel MacNamara
This article was authored by Noel Macnamara, National Manager, Research and Policy at the Australian Childhood Foundation. During Tuesday’s plenary session Professor Tronick pointed out that ‘humans are meaning makers’. This caused me to reflect on the meaning that all the participants are making of the experience of the conference. I spent the first day …
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