
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

June 15, 2020

The story of Tim

This article was written by Daniel Howell, Senior Child and Family Counsellor at the Australian Childhood Foundation. Synergetic Play Therapy™ (2008) is a researched-informed model of play therapy blending the therapeutic power of play with nervous system regulation, interpersonal neurobiology, physics, attachment, mindfulness, and therapist authenticity. Its primary play therapy influences are Child-Centred, Experiential, and …

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June 1, 2020

A unique window into our world – a supervisors reflections on therapy in the time of COVID19

This blog is written by Sharon Duthie, a Team Leader in the Australian Childhood Foundation’s Therapeutic Services.  As the global pandemic COVID-19 has swept across the world, so too have sweeping changes to the way we practice. We are now seeing the parent/carers, children and young people online for therapy. We are seeing them through a different lens; quite literally through a window on …

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May 29, 2020

Living with the invisible threat

This blog is authored by Mandy Flint, a Senior Advisor in the Australian Childhood Foundation’s Professional Education Services. COVID19 has brought about some challenges that for many of us are extraordinary. None of us could have anticipated the level of personal and professional challenge that would be imposed on us in order to keep us safe …

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May 28, 2020

Back to school in a COVID-19 world

This blog is authored by Lauren Thomas, Professional Community Engagement Manager at the Australian Childhood Foundation.  Over the past few weeks, and this week in Victoria, schools are beginning to reopen their doors for students post the Corona Virus lockdown. There are mixed feelings for all involved. During this period of lock-down Australians (indeed people all over …

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May 26, 2020

RISE – a new program supporting families affected by family violence.

This blog is jointly written by Nicole Balfour, Team Leader of Therapeutic Services in Ovens Murray Goulburn, from the Australian Childhood Foundation team based in Albury, and Colleen Tait, the Acting Manager of the Families and Children’s Team at Junction Support Services. Based in Wodonga, Victoria, Junction Support Services has been changing lives for 30 years through supporting people …

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May 21, 2020

Let’s Play!

For the last eight weeks, families have been ‘stuck’ inside due to Corona Virus.  It has been a juggle for many parents to manage the difficult balance between working from home, parenting and supporting the online learning of our children. Many are worried that their children might ‘fall behind’ academically or are concerned that their role as parent and caregiver is …

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September 3, 2019

What is at the heart of trauma?

This blog post was written by Dr. Joe Tucci, CEO – Australian Childhood Foundation. It is not often that the words of a book extend beyond the page they are written on and reach into you to make such sense that their truth reverberates. Every paragraph is just like that in Bonnie Badenoch’s wonderful The …

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August 8, 2019

Trauma informing and shaping our school communities – the students have been leading us where we need to go.

This article was authored by Deborah Costa, a registered psychologist, and school counsellor with a professional area of interest and development in working to support traumatised children and young people in schools. She was also the recipient of an NSW Premier’s study scholarship in 2018.   In the 10 years that I’ve so far had the …

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July 24, 2019

Neuroscience as metaphor – building a narrative

This post is written by Marina Dickson, Executive Manager, Professional Education Services at The Australian Childhood Foundation. In the preface of Lou Cozolino’s book, Why Therapy Works: Using Your Mind to Change Your Brain, Lou makes almost a throw-away comment.  He says, ‘….while science is, in many ways, just another metaphor….’  This is an interesting …

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July 9, 2019

The Social Synapse – The fusion of brain and relationship

This blog post was written by Dr. Joe Tucci, CEO at The Australian Childhood Foundation. “…When we interact, we are impacting each other’s internal biological state and influencing the long term construction of each other’s brains. This, in essence, is how loves becomes flesh… ” Lou Cozolino, The Neuroscience of Human Relationships (2013) Lou Cozolino …

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