
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

September 26, 2017

Western Australia’s 9 Child Safe Domains

A discussion of the nine domains, the WA Commissioner for Children and Young People thought pertinent to guide organisations in moving towards creating and sustaining a safe space for children and young people.

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August 4, 2017

Putting Love at the Heart of Our story

This article was authored by Joe Tucci, CEO at the Australian Childhood Foundation. We have changed our logo today because we wanted to acknowledge the importance of love for all of us, and in particular children. This is why… Children trace love in moments of connection. A newborn feels his mum’s heartbeat as he is …

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January 16, 2017

An Interview with Foundation Ambassador – Clint Newton

Foundation Ambassador, General Manager  Player Relations  of the Rugby League Players Association (RLPA) and former player for the Newcastle Knights, Melbourne Storm and Penrith Panthers, is one of our most passionate advocates for children. Here he shares some insight into his own childhood, along with why the work of the Foundation is important to him.

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December 12, 2016

What comes after trauma-informed practice?

Knowledge of the neurobiology of trauma has shaped our work for at least 15 years now.  We have advocated that being trauma-informed is essential... but what comes next? Foundation CEO Dr Joe Tucci shares his projections of what the field of childhood trauma needs now.

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December 5, 2016

Permanency and Stability in Out of Home Care

We recently had the opportunity to submit to the Victorian Enquiry into the Implementation of the Children, Youth and Families Amendments (Permanent Care and Other Matters) ACT 2014 (Permanency Amendment Inquiry). In the submission, we highlighted our experience working with children placed in Out of Home Care in Victoria, as well as our strongly held belief that permanence promotes stability. 

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November 17, 2016

Residential Care in Australia

There has been ongoing concern about the safety and quality of children’s experiences in Australia’s residential care systems for a very long time. The ABC Four Corners program that aired last week, 'Broken Homes', is another example of the concerns that have been expressed by many. We heard again about the lack of safety experienced by the young people and the failures in the system to support staff. The program raised many questions about child protection systems in Australia. This blog reflects on some of those questions.

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October 24, 2016

Children’s Week – Students share their artworks to communicate the message of Children’s Rights.

This week is Children's Week - celebrating the rights of all children to enjoy childhood.  In this entry we have selected a shortlist of artworks submitted to us by young people in Victoria.  Each artwork is accompanied with the artists own description of their work. 

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October 17, 2016

A 30 year journey

It is 30 years almost to the day that the Australian Childhood Foundation was first incorporated as an organisation, and here, Foundation CEO Dr Joe Tucci reflects on why we were first formed, what we have achieved, and what is yet to be done for children.

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October 6, 2016

Youth and Porn – Sensational to Developmental

Russell Pratt, Statewide Principal Practitioner, Office of Professional Practice, Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria, and Cyra Fernandes, Team Leader, Child and Family Counselling Program, Child Trauma Service share their insight and perspectives on young people exposed to porn: Why we should move from the sensational to the developmental.

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September 12, 2016

Think before you post! Reducing the risk when posting pics of kids online.

Many children under the age of nine were born with a digital footprint in existence before they even left the womb.  These children inherit their digital profiles as a work in progress from a parent - who may or may not understand the dangers and vulnerabilities that such a profile can create. Here, Australian cyber security expert Susan McLean shares her cautions and recommendations with those who work with children and families.

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