
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

April 24, 2018

Beyond Common Sense

This blog entry was authored by Cynan Kim-Blackmore, Senior Advisor, Safeguarding Children Service at the Australian Childhood Foundation. Imagine you are a childcare worker at your local centre. One of the children is a child named Ben. Ben has been coming to the childcare centre for many years and you have grown to know Ben’s …

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April 12, 2018

Australia’s National Therapeutic Care Alliance – Part 1

An exploration of Australia's need for a National Therapeutic Care Alliance to clarify collective thinking, resource quality research and explore complex practice and standards for Australian children and young people in Out of Home Care. 

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April 3, 2018

What is advocacy in child protection environments?

Recently, a member of the community wrote in asking about what the Australian Childhood Foundation does to advocate for children.  They wanted to know what advocacy was, how the Foundation was involved in advocacy endeavours and how we felt the community could help.

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March 27, 2018

Helping kids with a history of prenatal substance exposure

Many of the children who enter into out of home care have a history of prenatal substance exposure. Some children will be born addicted and require hospitalisation as they withdraw from these harmful substances. However, some of these children do not experience withdrawal and present as a relatively healthy newborn. Irrespective of whether a baby experiences withdrawal, there are a number of long-term developmental and behavioural consequences often associated with prenatal substance exposure.

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March 8, 2018

The 2018 ARACY Report Card: the wellbeing of Australian children and young people

The 2018 ARACY Report Card released last week highlights issues affecting children and young people in Australia. Using the latest data available from a range of sources, it shows how Australia is tracking at both the national level and for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

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March 5, 2018

Changes to Child Safe Legislation in Victoria

Amendments to the Child Well-being and Safety Act came into effect on the 27th February 2018, and are designed to clarify the operation of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child Safe Standards.

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January 23, 2018

Taking up the challenge: The collective endeavour of interpreting neuroscience and trauma

For practitioners working to support vulnerable children, young people and their families, a task is allocated to our collective endeavours whenever new evidence surfaces that has the potential to deepen our understanding of children’s needs and their experience of relationships. We are required to make sense of it, evaluate its relevance and ultimately, if helpful, make it count in our practice.

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December 11, 2017

Back to school – five survival tips for professionals embarking on vocational study

As I embark on a Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma, I prepare for a busy year of juggling a full time job, tending to my hectic family life with two little girls, a husband and a cat. Never mind my busy social life and love of travel… am I crazy? Two years ago, when I graduated from a Masters Degree in Social Work I swore - no more study for me! So how did I find myself eagerly awaiting a reading list for block 1?

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November 22, 2017

What is love?

The recent launch of ACF’s new logo and the narrative of love that accompanies it has prompted me to consider this concept of love in our work with traumatised children. Having love as a value seems fundamental to everything we do in both our personal and professional lives. Yet, when we unpack what love means in the context of children who have experienced trauma, it is way more complex.

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November 15, 2017

Is silence really an option for men?

It seems to me that we may be at a tipping point in the family violence movement because people are really speaking out, men and women!

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