
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

April 16, 2015

What does it mean to be Child Centred?

Anyone who has worked with children in a professional setting will likely have heard the term ‘child-centred’ used to describe an approach, a policy or a way of working with children. It is written into legislation around Australia and seen as a desirable way of approaching child protection by many.  Some organisations – like the Foundation – also describe themselves as being child-centred as a central principle informing all that they do.  But what does it mean?

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April 9, 2015

Kylie Williams

This article was authored by Dani Colvin, Coordinator, Partnerships Fundraising and Marketing at the Australian Childhood Foundation. What is it that makes a person connect so completely with a cause or issue that they are willing to commit not only financially, but also invest their time, their effort, and their heart, in order to give …

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April 2, 2015

The story of James

-   A case study looking at how one young man was supported by therapeutic carers to move beyond his past and look toward a brilliant future.

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March 20, 2015

Porn and the changing face of clinical risk assessment – Part 2

How pornography may distort your risk assessment of children & adolescents who sexually harm. The second and final entry in the series, this time also looking at a clinical case study.  

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March 19, 2015

Porn and the changing face of clinical risk assessment – Part 1

How pornography can distort clinical risk assessment of children & adolescents who sexually harm

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March 13, 2015

Therapeutic Parenting

This article was authored by Janise Mitchell, Deputy CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation. In trauma informed therapeutic out of home care programs, the concept of therapeutic parenting has been introduced to help define the orientation of carers in their task of parenting children with trauma backgrounds. In this article, I have attempted to describe …

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March 13, 2015

Therapeutic Parenting

This article was authored by Janise Mitchell, Deputy CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation. In trauma informed therapeutic out of home care programs, the concept of therapeutic parenting has been introduced to help define the orientation of carers in their task of parenting children with trauma backgrounds. In this article, I have attempted to describe …

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March 9, 2015

What if the world hurts?

What if your teacher’s voice feels like a dentist drill? What if the walls of your classroom feel like they are crowded and moving? What if the seam on your sock drives you to distraction and makes it almost impossible to listen to what is being said to you? Beth Guy looks at the topic of sensory defensiveness and what it means for children and young people as well as those who support them.

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March 5, 2015

Sexting and Young People

If you work with young people, you no doubt know about sexting – the act of sending nude or provocative pictures via text on mobile phone or social media.  What you may not know is that doing so amounts to a criminal offense under Commonwealth Law, even if all parties are willing.

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March 3, 2015

All at sea with children’s behaviour

When discussing the behaviours of children with parents in our Bringing up Great Kids parent groups, we offer them a fresh way of viewing and thinking about what they see in children’s behaviours. This blog entry looks at our model and how we use it.

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