
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

February 13, 2019

Five activities that promote connected safety for traumatised children and carers

This blog post is written by Dr. Joe Tucci, CEO of The Australian Childhood Foundation. Over the last two weeks, I have written two blogs about integrating the work of Steve Porges about safety into practice that centralizes it as a resource for children who have experienced trauma. In this third and final blog, I …

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February 6, 2019

How to invite safety back into the relationships around traumatised children?

This blog post was written by Joe Tucci, CEO of The Australian Childhood Foundation. Last week, I wrote about three practice principles that were derived from an exploration of the neuroscience of safety. In this blog, I describe a way of working that centralises safety as the theme for healing the physiological and psychological consequences …

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January 30, 2019

What really is safety for traumatised children and young people?

‘What really is safety for traumatised children and young people?’ blog article was written by Dr Joe Tucci CEO, at Australian Childhood Foundation. A few years ago, Steve Porges asked me to contribute a chapter to a book about the clinical applications of his Polyvagal Theory. It was a little surreal. Like many of you, Steve …

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January 11, 2019

Seven ways to support children with traumatic grief at school

This blog post is written by Carolyn Grace, Senior Training Consultant, School Services Program.    “Hi my name is James, I’m thirteen and at this camp, I am remembering my foster mum who took her life…” Those words pierced my heart as I listened to James introduce himself at a grief and loss camp for …

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October 26, 2018

10 Key Messages for Schools About Functional Behaviour Assessment

This blog article was written by Dr Sonja Vanderaa, Senior Training Consultant at the Australian Childhood Foundation.   Have you ever wondered what a functional behaviour assessment is? Or how it can help the children and young people you work with? So much has been written about functional behaviour assessment (FBA) that it can be hard to …

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October 17, 2018

Short term work with children who have experienced family violence and homelessness

This blog post has been written by Cat Albert and Vanessa Gravina of the Resilient Kids, Resilient Women project. Prior to joining the Resilient Kids Resilient Women (RKRW) project, I was the type of practitioner that highly doubted the efficacy of short term interventions withtraumatised children. And to be honest, some days I still carry …

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October 15, 2018

Translating theory into practice

This blog post is written by Marina Dickson, Executive Manager of Professional Education Services at The Australian Childhood Foundation.   For the past 30 years, ACF has been combining direct therapeutic practice for children and young people with the delivery of high-quality trauma-informed professional development opportunities building on the sector’s capacity.  The ongoing integration of …

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October 12, 2018

Taking Developmental Dyadic Psychotherapy to the next level

This blog post was written by Jaclyn Guest Senior Counsellor, Child Trauma Service.   How many traumatised children do you know that can tell you about their inner emotional experiences using words? Trauma attacks stories. It scrambles our ability to tell our stories. It steals our opportunities to have our stories heard and validated. The …

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October 2, 2018

Looking in the Mirror

This blog has been written by Anna Fasolo, who is a Therapeutic Specialist at the Australian Childhood Foundation.   Relationships are essential for all work with children and young people, even more so when they have experienced the traumas of abuse and violence. At the Foundation, our therapeutic model reflects this; we understand that relationships are …

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September 24, 2018

Therapeutic Residential Care: The Clinical Specialist – An Essential Design Element in Therapeutic Residential Care

This blog is written by Raeleen McKenzie, a psychologist and member of the National Therapeutic Residential Care Alliance. The clinician in therapeutic residential care (TRC) provides the essential understanding of the child’s social, emotional and cognitive functioning and guides therapeutic work. Therapeutic residential care (TRC) promises care that is more than meeting the child’s basic needs …

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