
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

December 22, 2015

Assessment in Practice with Vulnerable Children and Families Series – Part 1

There are many terms relevant to the practice with vulnerable and abused children and their families. This is the first in a four part series by CEO Joe Tucci on examining the key dimensions of assessment in this contested area of professional decision making.   For this article, Joe focusses on the construct of protectiveness in families and communities. 

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December 17, 2015

Children’s rights, Adult’s Responsibility – Part 2

Part 2 in our series on Children's Rights looks at understanding article 12 of the participation rights and its implications.

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December 14, 2015

Practice Leadership – Part 2

The second in a two part series on Practice Leadership written by Deputy CEO Janise Mitchell.  This entry particularly looks at what a Practice Leader does.

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November 27, 2015

Engaging Traumatised Parents in the School Environment

For many of us, school holds fond memories but for others, school holds many triggers for trauma – the oval where they were bullied, the corridor where they were physically assaulted, the classroom where they were often publicly humiliated, the sting and the shame of corporal punishment, the principal’s office where they were frequently suspended. And I wonder if we, as educators, have ever stopped to walk through the school gates in the shoes of our most vulnerable parents?

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November 17, 2015

Life Story Work

For children who have been removed or separated from their families from a young age and endured a number of changes as a result; access to their history is not as simple as it sounds. In this blog entry, Kim MacKay explores the use of Life Story Work with traumatised children and young people. 

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November 5, 2015

Changing the language of family violence

With the Royal Commission into Family Violence now moving into the public hearing phase, the Foundation made its own submission. One of the arguments that we made was that family violence is an aggregated construct that in itself continues to limit the development of effective social policy.

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October 28, 2015

Developmental Trauma Informed Maps… Why do we need them?

What is a Developmental Trauma Informed Map? This grandly titled document actually asks participants to articulate the core messages of this body of knowledge and think about how it can underpin practice on a daily basis. Marina Dickson explains more...

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October 22, 2015

7 Top Books About Families of All Shapes and Sizes

‘Family’ for children who have experienced child abuse and trauma can be a shifting and sometimes painful concept to grapple with, and we need more ways to help acknowledge and normalise the spectrum of what ‘family’ can mean. In today's blog post, Senior Counsellor Chris Cussens shares a list of books that include varied stories of ‘family’.

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October 20, 2015

Practice Leadership – Part 1

This is the first in a two part series on Practice Leadership written by Deputy CEO Janise Mitchell.  This entry particularly looks at what a Practice Leader is in the context of Child Protection. 

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