
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

August 12, 2016

Looking forward – a commitment to better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

An exploration of the 6 principles the Australian Childhood Foundation has committed to in support of better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

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August 8, 2016

Don Dale : Beyond Anger

Reflecting on 'Australia's Shame' and the outrage that has followed the airing of the Four Corners episode, Lauren Thomas considers what we as a group of professionals working with vulnerable children can do.

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July 6, 2016

Early sexualisation and pornography exposure: the detrimental impacts on children

Guest blogger, Melinda Tankard Reist discusses the impact of a pornified world on our children.

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February 3, 2016

Corporate Partnerships – What are they really about?

As a not-for-profit organisation working with and for our community, connections and support are vital to us; they are the lifeblood of our existence. In fact, for us at the Foundation in particular, there is an interesting echo of our work with children in what we also seek to create for ourselves as an organisation.

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January 14, 2016

Children’s Rights, Adults Responsibility – Part 3

In Part 3 of our series on Children's Rights, Pat Jewell asks the question "Where are children under 5 years in the 1989 UNCRC?"

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November 9, 2015

Turning passion into action – what it means to join our movement for children

It’s a bit like the beginning of a Mexican wave at the MCG. It really starts with a small group of people who are willing to put a lot of energy into it and it’s their passion, their energy and their commitment that can get 100,000 people to follow them in a wave that can last a long time.

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November 5, 2015

Changing the language of family violence

With the Royal Commission into Family Violence now moving into the public hearing phase, the Foundation made its own submission. One of the arguments that we made was that family violence is an aggregated construct that in itself continues to limit the development of effective social policy.

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September 24, 2015

Dealing with abuse: A young Australian’s insights

In May this year, The Australian published the story of ‘Hannah Baker’, a young woman now in her 20’s, detailing her story of abuse and the books that she has now written intending to help schools, child protection workers and others learn important lessons from her case. After reading the article, we invited her to …

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September 24, 2015

Dealing with abuse: A young Australian’s insights

In May this year, The Australian published the story of ‘Hannah Baker’, a young woman now in her 20’s, detailing her story of abuse and the books that she has now written intending to help schools, child protection workers and others learn important lessons from her case. After reading the article, we invited her to …

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August 27, 2015

Why we use social media to support #notanotherchild

In this blog entry, Dani Colvin explores how and why the Foundation has used social media to support its #notanotherchild campaign. 

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