
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

June 10, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 3 – Lisa Ranahan

This article was authored by Lisa Ranahan, Program Manager, Therapeutic Care at the Australian Childhood Foundation. So, we have come to the middle day of five days of thought provoking, stimulating, sometimes overwhelming learning and sharing. Today is a day where I feel I need to reflect on the range of key messages that stood …

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June 10, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 3 – Lisa Ranahan

This article was authored by Lisa Ranahan, Program Manager, Therapeutic Care at the Australian Childhood Foundation. So, we have come to the middle day of five days of thought provoking, stimulating, sometimes overwhelming learning and sharing. Today is a day where I feel I need to reflect on the range of key messages that stood …

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June 10, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 4 – Marina Dickson

This article was authored by Marina Dickson, Program Manager, Vocational Training and Education at the Australian Childhood Foundation. In my reflections on the day’s learning, I am holding onto a quote that was presented in Ed Tronick’s session. He wrote that, ‘chronic small events accumulate to big effects for good or ill.’ This set off …

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June 10, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 4 – Marina Dickson

This article was authored by Marina Dickson, Program Manager, Vocational Training and Education at the Australian Childhood Foundation. In my reflections on the day’s learning, I am holding onto a quote that was presented in Ed Tronick’s session. He wrote that, ‘chronic small events accumulate to big effects for good or ill.’ This set off …

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June 8, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 1 – Janise Mitchell

Each day of the 2016 International Childhood Trauma Conference, a member of our ACF team will be sharing reflections from their time at conference.  For day 1, our Deputy CEO and Conference Co-Convenor Janise Mitchell discusses the thoughts arising from her time in Professor Michael Yellow Bird's masterclass.

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June 8, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 2 – Noel MacNamara

This article was authored by Noel Macnamara, National Manager, Research and Policy at the Australian Childhood Foundation. During Tuesday’s plenary session Professor Tronick pointed out that ‘humans are meaning makers’. This caused me to reflect on the meaning that all the participants are making of the experience of the conference. I spent the first day …

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June 8, 2016

#childtrauma2016 reflections – Day 2 – Noel MacNamara

This article was authored by Noel Macnamara, National Manager, Research and Policy at the Australian Childhood Foundation. During Tuesday’s plenary session Professor Tronick pointed out that ‘humans are meaning makers’. This caused me to reflect on the meaning that all the participants are making of the experience of the conference. I spent the first day …

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May 11, 2016

Sibling Sexual Abuse Series – Part 2

This article was authored by Jaclyn Guest, Senior Counsellor, Child Trauma Service Victoria, at the Australian Childhood Foundation. The proposal of a Single Clinician Approach This is the second post in our series looking at responding to sibling sexual abuse. In our last post, Cyra Fernandes blogged about sibling sexual abuse: what it is, how …

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May 11, 2016

Sibling Sexual Abuse Series – Part 2

This article was authored by Jaclyn Guest, Senior Counsellor, Child Trauma Service Victoria, at the Australian Childhood Foundation. The proposal of a Single Clinician Approach This is the second post in our series looking at responding to sibling sexual abuse. In our last post, Cyra Fernandes blogged about sibling sexual abuse: what it is, how …

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May 4, 2016

Sibling Sexual Abuse Series – Part 1

The first in what will be a three part series exploring Sibling Sexual Abuse, the impact on families and a model for therapeutic response which we have been trialling at the Foundation. 

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