
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

June 27, 2017

Introducing School Services Program Part 1

In late 2016, The Australian Childhood Foundation introduced a new program to its organisational structure – the Schools Services Program. The SSP was established as a result of the growing demand within the Education sector: individual schools, regional areas and at a departmental level to become Trauma Sensitive environments.

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June 27, 2017

Introducing the School Services Program Part 2

This article was authored by Deborah McKenzie, Program Manager, School Services Program, at the Australian Childhood Foundation. In my recent reading of Bessel van der Kolk’s most current book titled, “The Body Keeps Score”, I was thrilled to note that he has made reference to the importance of schools and the role of Educators in …

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April 21, 2017

Review: The Neurobiology of Attachment Based Therapy

For children to have to go from having to develop a mistrusting brain, and make the journey from mistrust to trust is not a no-brainer – it’s a real brainer. They really need to make some changes in their trajectory….. This book is an attempt to try to apply the knowledge about brain development and brain change and look at the process of change and attachment focused therapy’ - Jon Baylin In conversation with Dan Hughes and Janise Mitchell at the ACF conference 2016.

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March 13, 2017

New Book Gives Aboriginal Kids a Voice… “The Life of Tree”

A new book released last week looks to be a promising resource for those of us working with Aboriginal children.

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February 3, 2016

Corporate Partnerships – What are they really about?

As a not-for-profit organisation working with and for our community, connections and support are vital to us; they are the lifeblood of our existence. In fact, for us at the Foundation in particular, there is an interesting echo of our work with children in what we also seek to create for ourselves as an organisation.

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October 22, 2015

7 Top Books About Families of All Shapes and Sizes

‘Family’ for children who have experienced child abuse and trauma can be a shifting and sometimes painful concept to grapple with, and we need more ways to help acknowledge and normalise the spectrum of what ‘family’ can mean. In today's blog post, Senior Counsellor Chris Cussens shares a list of books that include varied stories of ‘family’.

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September 18, 2015

Amazing Brain Resource

A colleague of mine recently recommended I check out an American resource called ‘The Amazing Brain’ for use with children and young people who have experienced trauma.  When I did, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found and am happy to recommend it to our Prosody readership.

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July 30, 2015

Mirror Neurons & Bucket Fillers

No matter what the therapeutic context, wiring into the prefrontal cortex region of the brain is the foundation for developing empathy, reflection, resilience and relationships. One important way in which we can do these – even with very young children and infants – is through the use of mirror neurons.

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July 16, 2015

SMART Online

Free Online Trauma-Informed Training – SMART Online

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April 14, 2015

8 of Our Favourite Children’s Storybooks

Frequently, we are asked to recommend books for parents to use which reflect our focus on the importance of parent-child connections, as well as reinforcing the practice of mindfulness for parents and children.  Here's our current top 8 along with why we love them.

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