
Prosody Blog

Prosody is the pitch and tone of the human voice. It is the very essence of connection. Our blog hosts articles and stories dedicated to innovation, research and practice with children and young people.

January 15, 2015

Stop, pause, play – a simple mindfulness practise for parents

By now you've no doubt all heard about the benefits of mindfulness.  Here's one way we've integrated it into our work with parents.

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January 7, 2015

Championing the #NotAnotherChild cause

The topic of child abuse leaves many people feeling somewhat overwhelmed, disempowered and uncertain about how they can play a part in the protection of children. Much of the #NotAnotherChild campaign is aimed at redressing this gap in understanding, so that as a community, we all begin to feel more confident in engaging with the issue in ways that make a meaningful difference.  In this blog entry, Dani Colvin highlights two examples of how members of the Australian community have used their abilities to help start conversation and increase awareness of child abuse.

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December 31, 2014

Review of a golden oldie!

Here Lynne Kennedy, Senior Training Consultant in the ACF Parenting Education and Support Program, reviews a book now in it's 30th edition that still holds relevance today.  "HOW TO TALK SO KIDS WILL LISTEN AND LISTEN SO KIDS WILL TALK" 

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December 30, 2014

Principles of Out of Home Care Reform – Part 1

Part 1 in a series of posts discussing principles of Out of Home Care reform.  Here, Janise Mitchell discusses the principle which - in her view - is one of the most the most critical outcome measures of success of any out of home care system. 

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December 26, 2014

From theory to practice

Marina Dickson looks at the benefits and importance of learning for professionals working with children who have experienced trauma.

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December 24, 2014

Counting the costs – children lose more than you might think when they experience family violence.

There is no doubt that in addition to the traumatic impact felt directly by children, family violence can also lead to loss on multiple levels. 

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December 11, 2014

The Neurobiology of Christmas – 10 things Parents and Carers can do to help a traumatised child cope with this holiday season

The holiday period around Christmas is a time of celebration and joy for most families.  However for many children who have experienced abuse and neglect and are living in alternative care, it can be a stressful and sad time sometimes evoking memories of past. This entry provides ideas for how to be a support.

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December 9, 2014

Mindful Listening – an incredible tool for working with parents

...after our first practice of Mindful Listening a mother started to cry. She told us “I have never felt listened to like that in my whole life – it felt so good I have never felt listened to like that in my whole life – it felt so good "

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December 8, 2014

Groupwork with children using a sensorimotor framework

A discussion about a body and movement based group run through ACF to help children recover from their experience of trauma.

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December 2, 2014

Welcome to our new blog – Prosody

What is Prosody, where did it come from and why does it exist?  We want you to join the conversation!

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