A therapeutic approach to foster care

Circle Program Resources

Please find below the resources for your upcoming training that will be delivered by the Australian Childhood Foundation.

In line with the Australian Childhood Foundation’s commitment to conservation and sustainability, the Circle Modules and handouts/ activities are available electronically. These notes are for your reference and may not be used in their entirety.

Please save these resources in a safe and accessible place upon download.


Please ensure that you read the below Modules prior to the commencement of the session. These are pre-reading materials and will be referred to throughout the training.

Circle Workbook Induction and Module 1

Circle Workbook  Module 2

Circle Workbook  Module 3

Circle Workbook  Module 4

Circle Workbook  Module 5

Circle Workbook  Module 6

Activities and Handouts

Please find handouts required for use in training on the day. There is no need to pre read these before the training date

Module 1:

Child development and trauma guide

Module 2:

Circle of repair

Polyvagal infographic

Module 3:

Blank window of tolerance

Heartfelt – Good Friends

Heartfelt – Reaching Out

Module 4:

Whole brain child upstairs and downstairs brain

Discipline in a nutshell

Parenting in the moment

Parenting in the moment template

Phases of therapeutic care

Unpacking children’s behaviour

Module 5:

Relational mapping tree rings activity

Module 6:

Self care plan

 By opening the attached ACF resources you agree to the following terms and conditions:

As a registrant of the workshop, you may print or save to a local hard disk part or all of the content of this presentation for your personal, exclusive and non-commercial use only. Any transmission, storage, redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form for any other purpose is a breach of copyright and is strictly prohibited.